ForRequest is a product of Tríceras Sistemas Inteligentes Ltda, registered with CNPJ/MF under no. 42.404.710/0001-27,
with headquarters at Rod. Haroldo Soares Glavan, 2064, Cacupé, Florianópolis-SC, here called ForRequest.
It is conceptualized as a support system for interactions between people, citizens of a given
city, and the Public Power, composed of the spheres of administration of city services, connecting them with
focus on problem-solving and improving communication. The system consists of a smartphone application,
here called AppProPedido, and a management platform where the Public Authorities will work on referrals,
here called Platform and accessible via the link
If you have any questions regarding this document, please contact us via email ForRequest reserves the right to modify, at any time, this
Terms and Conditions of Use, observing broad and prior communication of this change.
2. Services and features available
The ForRequest App is accessible to anyone, even if they do not live in a particular contracting city,
as it will work with geolocation. The Platform is only accessible by registered and approved users
for managing demands in a given city.
In this sense, ForRequest supports the execution of the following services:
Personnel Registration, allowing segmentations and targeted communications, in addition to customer service
individualized when appropriate.
Registration of demands by People, with the support of artificial intelligence, segmenting and directing
to those responsible in the Public Power.
Sending messages directly from People to Public Authorities and vice versa, through various means of communication available.
Via Platform, management of messages exchanged between People and Public Authorities, including histories
of interactions.
Viewing the status of forwarding demands by People and those administered by Power
Public, when these were updated by those responsible.
Via the platform, visualization of demand statistics geographically segmented or on the timeline.
Delivery of alerts and relevant information to People via email and/or push notifications
on smartphones.
3. Conditions for using the ForRequest App
Within the terms of use, People are defined as those users who are holders of personal data, identified
in accordance with the law. In the case of Children and Adolescents, they must have prior consent from their guardian
to register with ForRequest App, this authorization being not managed by ForRequest. Messages sent
by ForRequest, when not specific to a demand, will not go to People under 18 years of age. At the discretion of
ProPedido team, users may be excluded if they do not refer to renowned people here or become
clear the use of third party data.
Regarding the demands requested by People from the Public Power, it is determined that they must always be
regarding proposals for improving the city where he is currently located (even though he is not a resident), and,
At the discretion of ForRequest, demands may be excluded if the images sent do not concern
demands of the city, and/or the texts and/or audios sent are unrelated to the context, and/or location
is not true.
Discriminatory, abusive or offensive messages may be deleted at ForRequest's discretion, and it is up to
parties (People and Public Authorities) the legal processes that they may have generated.
ForRequest will not be responsible for access to the internet, whether on ForRequest App or the Platform, as well as
personal email addresses, equipment for using the services (smartphones and computers), aspects
security of devices and their maintenance. It is the responsibility of the People and the Public Power to prefer each other
against physical accidents during the use of ForRequest App on public roads and other environments, including aspects of
occupational safety while using the Platform.
4. User privacy
We have a Privacy Policy, which is understood as complementary to this term of use, and the
use of data related to People and Public Authorities and their users, are subject to the treatment defined there.
It is up to ForRequest users to register via ForRequest App, including those who
will participate in management via the Platform. Registered users are responsible for the veracity of the data
informed, as well as keeping the access password.
People and Public Authorities, users of ForRequest, must provide true, accurate,
current and complete information about yourself when registering with ForRequest, including email address, keeping
your password update and security.
It is the responsibility of ForRequest users to communicate any unauthorized uses of their
logins or security breaches, such as misuse by third parties. ForRequest will not disclose information
private to its users without their prior authorization, unless requested through
court order.
People and Public Authorities users expressly authorize the Platform and the ForRequest App to communicate
with the same through the available communication channels, including email, cell phone, WhatsApp, among
others eventually informed.
At any time, the deletion of the account and registration data may be requested under the terms of the General Law
of Personal Data Protection (no. 13,709/2018). Furthermore, ForRequest will be allowed to use the database
generated anonymously and within the limits of the aforementioned law, to improve the services performed
or updates.
5. ForRequest use and responsibilities
ForRequest is not responsible for directly serving People when related to the demands of the
Public Power, nor responsible for the execution of the service requested from city halls, being only
a means of supporting the exchange of messages, communications and prioritization of meeting these demands.
It is also consistent to state that under no circumstances will we be responsible for the inappropriate use of our
ForRequest App, the Platform or the public website, for access to links indicated therein, as well as for acts
practices that are based on information obtained through links, or even through other services that point to
o ForRequest.
Persons assume any liability, of a civil and/or criminal nature, for the improper use of
information and other materials with intellectual property rights.
Due to operational issues, the ForRequest App and the Platform are subject to possible problems
temporary interruptions. When possible, users and Public Authorities will be warned in advance,
ProPedido is not responsible for any liability for damages that may arise
lack of availability or continuity of operation of services.
This Terms of Use, governed by Brazilian laws, constitute the entire agreement between the parties,
prevailing over any other previously agreed understanding, valid for an indefinite period
while the availability of ProPedido on the internet. Any judicial discussion has chosen the forum of the
city of Florianópolis, State of Santa Catarina.